Rating Systems
Disclaimer: All ratings provided on this platform are completely subjective with NO exceptions. They are drawn from observed patterns and variables that we believe indicate positive or negative indicators of trustworthiness and quality.
Before you start your financial journey, you need to know how our site works. We have 2 rating systems: The V-Rating & The V-Score. The V-Rating is simply a rating you will see before clicking into any VeriFiable's review section. There are four ratings that can be given and their descriptions for what they are can be seen in the slide section below.
V-Rating (Click arrows to scroll)
The points below rely on our trusty research method: The V-Score
Calculating V-Score
Total V-Score: Sum all five category ratings (Max 25 points).
Basic V-Score Navigation Guide:
20–25: Top-tier, trusted and tested.
15–19: Reliable, worthy of recommendation.
10–14: Questionable quality, use care before acting on advice.
5–9: Unreliable, strongly consider seeking better sources.